legal nurse consultant

Unique Nursing Careers – Legal Nurse Consultant

While nursing is a popular career choice for those who wish to work in the medical industry, did you know there are many different types of nursing careers? Although it’s common to assume that the only types of employment options for nurses are patient-centric roles in hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities, these are…

job interview

Nursing Job Interview Tips for Success

After spending countless hours refining your resume, filling out job applications and preparing your talking points, it’s finally happened: you have a nursing job interview. For many nurses, this moment is one filled with excitement and anxiety. While you may have dedicated an immense amount of energy to finding your perfect job, when the time…

becoming a lpn

The Essential Guide to Becoming a LPN

One of the most misunderstood elements of the nursing profession is job opportunities. When many think about nurses, they automatically assume the primary position is that of a Registered Nurse, or RN. While this is the most widely known profession, the nursing industry is filled with a vast array of opportunities ranging from advanced-level specialists…

forensic nurse

Nursing Career Breakdown – Forensic Nurse

Think all nursing professions are the same? Do you imagine your life as a nurse as being one wandering the brightly lit hallways of hospitals, private practices or nursing homes? Then you should get ready to have your mind blown! The nursing profession is just as varied and unique as the patients that come through…

cna job outlook

CNA Job Outlook – Is This Profession Stable?

When considering a career change, one of the most important elements to research is its future outlook. While career stability is never a guarantee, there are several markers that determine future availability. If you’re interested in starting a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), you may be surprised to learn about the projected CNA…

Highest paid nursing careers

Highest Paid Nursing Careers for 2018 and Beyond

For many aspiring nurses, compensation isn’t their driving force. While you may be drawn to this dynamic and vital career based upon your desire to help your fellow man, annual income certainly plays a role when determining specialties. Contrary to popular belief, there’s a myriad of unique and profitable career opportunities for professional nurses outside…

nursing school

Best Tips for Those Who Just Finished Nursing School

First off, congratulations! You’ve successfully accomplished an amazing task. Nursing school for Registered Nurses is notoriously difficult. Pushing through and graduating is something you should always feel incredibly proud of. However, in the midst of this celebration, a new challenge quickly approaches. Simply because you graduated nursing school doesn’t mean you’re ready to stroll down…