malpractice insurance

Do Nurse Anesthetists need malpractice insurance?

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) need malpractice insurance. CRNAs have work duties during surgical procedures that make them responsible for a patient’s vital functions and pain levels, while sedated. Nurse anesthetists must be careful to calculate the precise dosage of anesthetic medicines. Nurse anesthetics hold patient’s lives in their hands. There is a higher liability…

CNA Job Setting

Unique Workplace Settings for CNA Jobs

One of the coolest aspects of working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is workplace variety. Throughout your career, it’s possible to secure work in a wide array of CNA job settings. While some of these are better suited for specific CNAs, there are several job settings that are just plain awesome. CNA Job Settings…

working as a cna

How Working as a CNA Makes a Difference

When you think about the daily tasks and responsibilities working as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), you likely imagine tending to patients and gathering vital signs. While these are essential tasks for almost every CNA, the actual impact of this patient-centric profession is far deeper than monitoring blood pressure and medication disbursement. Working as a…

nursing resume

Nursing Resume Writing Guide for 2018

Nursing resume writing isn’t incredibly different from any other professional career. You should highlight your strengths and accomplishments, while identifying key elements that make you perfect for the job you’re applying for. But, if it was truly that simple, we’d have no unemployed nurses. One of the most unfortunate trends occurring among newly graduated nursing…
